You’re about to discover how to reduce and alleviate stress so you can be more efficient, effective, and focused.

As a result, you’ll be on top of your game as a home-based business owner and entrepreneur.

Watch the video or listen to the audio below…

Because I’m going to give you five powerful tools that you can use anytime, anywhere, any day!

As a solopreneur, you’re probably stretched incredibly thin.

You’re trying to wear a million different hats and juggle a million different things, right?

There are tons of time pressures, let alone the financial pressures and who wouldn’t be stressed out under those conditions?

But, as you’re about to experience, using these five tools, you’ll be able to shift your state, regain that sense of stability, calm and peace so you can build your business faster and make more money.

I have a question for you…

What do you think is the number one thing you need first and foremost in order to grow your business?

Are you ready?


Because without oxygen, your brain is not functioning and if your brain is not functioning, there is no business no matter what you do.

I’m going to read you a quote from an interesting book by Pam Grout called “Jumpstart Your Metabolism.”

Believe it or not, this does have everything to do with your business.

“Breathing is unquestionably the single most important thing you do in your life and breathing right is the single most important thing you can do to improve your life.”

How many of you experience stress, stress, tension, time pressure, or financial pressures?

Here’s the thing.

When we are in a stressed state, our brain produces chemicals that are not good for us

Our brain produces adrenaline and here’s what the Mayo Clinic says about adrenaline…

Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies, but it’s negative.

Cortisol, which is another chemical that your brain produces when you’re under stress, is the primary stress hormone.

It increases glucose in the bloodstream.

Cortisol has been shown to damage and kill cells in the hippocampus, the brain area responsible for your episodic memory.

There’s robust evidence that chronic stress causes premature brain aging, and it seems it makes your brain more vulnerable to damage such as strokes, aging, and stressful events.

This truly does have everything to do with your business.

Oxygen is truly the number one wonder drug and it reduces stress

But I have to give you a big warning.

Oxygen has serious side effects.

Here are just some of the serious side effects of oxygen:

  • Glowing skin
  • Mental clarity
  • Improved focus
  • Increased energy
  • Increased athletic performance
  • Mind-body harmony
  • Improved self-esteem

Now, isn’t that interesting?

Here’s the thing about improved self-esteem.

If you’re about to go and talk to a prospect about your network marketing company and your self-esteem is in the tanker, it’s going to come across.

This is another quote from Pam Grout’s book.

“From a purely scientific standpoint, breathing helps your mood because it pumps endorphins into your system. Endorphins are natural feel good chemicals.”

A Harvard trained doctor, Dr. Andrew Weil, believes breathing will play a predominant role in the art of human healing in the 21st century.

Breathing — this is huge.

Yes, love those side effects.

Now I’m going to give you five powerful tools that you can do anytime, anywhere, any day in 60 seconds or less.

1. The “Kung Fu” breath

I love this breath.

It’s super easy.

What you do is inhale in through your nose as you look up at the ceiling.

Then as you exhale through your mouth, bring your chin down.

Do it right now.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth and again and one more time.

That’s called the Kung Fu breath.

Here is the thing about correct breathing, you want to be breathing in through your diaphragm.

Your lungs are an inverted V shape and they go all the way down to your diaphragm.

So when you’re really breathing in It goes all the way down to your navel.

As you’re inhaling, you really want your stomach to be going out.

Try it right now.

Inhale through your nose and make sure your stomach is expanding.

When you exhale through your mouth, your stomach should be going in.

That’s critical to this powerful breath.

Kung Fu breath, number one.

You can do that anytime.

When you do that Kung Fu breath, did your shoulders feel so much more relaxed?

I recommend you do that Kung Fu breath at least six times when you’re doing it.

2. The “Tony Robbins” breath

Tony Robbins claims this one breath changed his life.

In order for you to be super effective and efficient in your business, you need to oxygenate your body.

On this breath, you’re going to breathe in and let’s just say you breathe in to the count of four.

Breathe in through your nose, a deep inhale through your nose.

As you’re doing that, don’t forget your diaphragm, your stomach is going to expand.

It’s going to go out and you’re going to inhale for a count of four.

You’re going to hold your breath for four times the amount of time that you inhale for.

You’re going to hold your breath to the count of 16 and then you’re going to exhale through your nose for two times what you inhale.

You’re going to exhale for eight.

I’ll say it again.

Inhale to the count of four, hold your breath to the count of 16 and exhale to the count of eight.

Here we go…

  • Inhale through your nose
  • One, two, three, four
  • Hold. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
  • Exhale through your nose
  • One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

You’ll want to play around with that but trust me, you want to try this one.

Tony Robbins recommends doing that breath 10 times in a row three times a day.

I literally do that breath as I’m lying in bed in the morning.

You can really feel the relaxation.

I don’t know what it’s aptly called but I call it the Tony Robbins breath.

Now, just recently I’ve been accused of a lot of things.

I have a friend that accuses me of being a machine.

Another friend just a couple of days ago called me a monster

Another friend called me an animal.

All three of these friends were saying…

“My gosh, Gloria. How do you get so much done? What do you do?”

I swear to you these breathing techniques reduce stress.

I’m rarely, rarely, rarely stressed and I mean that sincerely.

Reducing stress is huge.

There’s so much that’s causing stress and tension and pressure in our lives and these breathing techniques are so powerful.

That’s breathing technique number two, the Tony Robbins breath.

3. Alternate Nostril Breathing

I am going to read you a quote that’s really interesting.

Again, this is from Pam Grout’s book “Jumpstart Your Metabolism.”

Listen to this.

“In each of our nostrils, there are nerves that lead into the center of the brain, and as you know, the brain has two sides. There’s the left side, the mechanical, calculating side that thinks in neat, linear fashion. Then there’s the right side, the creative, freewheeling, inspirational side, the side that invents, refreshes and replenishes. If the right side of the brain, the healing, resting side is dominant, the left nostril will be dominant. If the left side of the brain, the mechanical, calculator side is dominant, the right nostril will be dominant.”

If the left side of the brain is dominant, your right nostril is dominant.

If the right side of the brain is dominant, the left nostril will be dominant.

This breath is huge because what you’re going to do is alternate the flow of air through your nostrils six times and then you experience this absolutely unbelievable sense of relaxation and the balancing effect of this will have your brain be miraculously tranquilized.

I do this breath when I know that I really have to focus on something.

If I’m going to sit down and write or if I’m doing something that takes a long extended amount of concentration.

I want my brain to be balanced.

Are you ready for this?

What you’re going to do is put your right index finger on your right nostril and don’t forget, as you’re doing this, you want your stomach to be expanding.

This look really interesting, I know.

  • You’re going to inhale through your left nostrils to the count of six
  • One, two, three, four, five, six
  • Hold your breath
  • One, two, three
  • Then change fingers
  • Exhale through your right nostril to the count of six
  • One, two, three, four, five, six
  • Then you alternate
  • Inhale
  • Hold for one, two, three
  • Exhale
  • Then inhale
  • Hold one, two, three
  • Then change fingers and exhale
  • Four, five, six
  • Then inhale
  • One, two, three, four, five, six
  • Hold – one, two, three
  • Exhale – one, two, three, four, five six

I know that looks strange but trust me.

If you do that, it’s so relaxing and it really balances your brain.

I use this stuff and I honestly believe that it’s one of the reasons why I’m such an animal, such a monster and such a machine and why I can get a lot of stuff done in a day.

4. “Triangle” Breathing or “Rectangle” Breathing

You do this one in two different ways.

The triangle breath.

I also call this the I love my life breath because we can count or we can say something that has some importance and meaning.

For the triangle breath, you breathe in for the count of four, you hold it for the count of four and you exhale for the count of four.

Super simple.

I inhale through my nose and on my inhale, I say…

I love my life. I love my life. I love my life. I love my life.

Then I hold it for four.

I love my life. I love my life. I love my life. I love my life.

I exhale for four.

I love my life. I love my life. I love my life. I love my life.

Try it now.

  • Inhale through your nose.
  • I love my life. I love my life. I love my life. I love my life.
  • Hold it.
  • I love my life. I love my life. I love my life. I love my life.
  • Exhale through your nose.
  • I love my life. I love my life. I love my life. I love my life.

You do that 10 times.

  • Inhale to the count of four.
  • Hold for the count of four.
  • Exhale for the count of four.

That’s the triangle breath.

Now, the rectangle breath is very similar.

What you do is you inhale for the count of four, hold for the count of four, exhale for the count of four and hold for the count of four again before you inhale again.

I’ll let you guys do that on your own.

  • Inhale for the count of four.
  • Hold for the count of four.
  • Exhale for the count of four.
  • Hold for the count of four.

Then you do it again.

You get the idea.

Here’s a really interesting thing.

Our lungs as adults are capable of holding up to 17 pints of air per breath but the average adult only takes in two to three pints of air per breath.

We are literally oxygen deprived.

Our lungs aren’t there and taking up all that space for no reason.

I just thought you might be interested in this one other thing.

Dr. Sheldon Saul Hendler is a doctor in San Diego and he wrote a book called “Oxygen Breakthrough.”

He talks about how the lack of oxygen is the cause of up to 75% of our illnesses

He says that a significant number of people who think they have heart disease are actually suffering from breathing disorders.

Then he talks about a heart disease study that was done in the Netherlands where they compared two groups of heart attack patients.

Group A was taught a simple diaphragmatic breathing while group B was left to their own breathing devices.

Over the next two years, 7 of the 12 patients in group B that did their own breathing, suffered a second heart attack while none of the patients who learned how to do deep breathing had a second heart attack.

The very last thing I’m going to share with you is what I call the…

5. “Bounce and Shake”

It’s super powerful.

It alleviates all kinds of stress really quickly.

You stand with your feet apart and you start bouncing up and down and then you shake your hands.

Down at your side and then up at your waist.

Then up at your shoulders and then over your head and then back down to shoulders and then down at your side and then way down at your side.

Then you just keep doing this.

Trust me if you do this four or five times it absolutely puts the smile on your face and it makes all the difference in the world.

I know it looks goofy but you can’t not laugh.

I hope you’re trying this because you’ll feel amazing.

If you’re about to call a prospect, make sure you try these techniques before you pick up that phone.

If you know you’re going to have a difficult conversation with somebody, try some of these breathing techniques.

If you know you’re about to go do a presentation for your network marketing company, try these breathing techniques before you do it or do the bounce and shake.

If you start to feel like, oh, my gosh, I have so much stuff going on in my day.

I will never get it all done.

Use these techniques and I promise they will help you feel more relaxed and allow you to get more done.


And while you’re here, take a moment to discover how you can…

Use LinkedIn to rapidly build your business and grow your downline

You can click this link right now to get access to my LinkedIn Recruiting Scripts Grab Bag. which includes the exact same scripts and messages I personally used to rapidly grow my business by attracting new customers and team members every single day.

You will instantly be able to “copy & paste” these 6 proven LinkedIn word-for-word recruiting scripts to get 10-20 hungry and motivated prospects to eagerly reach out to you, without spending a dime!

Plus, you’ll discover 6 ways LinkedIn can help you connect with your IDEAL prospects, and get right down to business, while skipping the small talk.

So what’re you waiting for?

CLICK HERE to get all the details.


Gloria MacDonald
Creator of the LinkedIn Recruiting Playbook



Gloria is a veteran entrepreneur who built a very successful multi-seven figure business before losing everything, liquidating her savings, and finding herself drowning in debt. But like any true champion who is faced with setbacks and adversity, Gloria didn’t let this be more than a bump in the road and staged a MASSIVE comeback in the network marketing industry and is now a top earner and LinkedIn recruiting expert.